Sunday, March 07, 2004

I'm crazy. Need guidance. So I sought some.

I'm not very close to my brother, so I called on my brother-in-command. He lives in West Virginia, and he's 1 year older than my real brother. He's very good at his brotherly duties. I dont actually like to seek advice too much, but I'm worried about things that I cant control to the point that even the little things are driving me nuts. I didnt want a 'friend,' I wanted someone with some years to offer me wisdomly advice. Or even offer up a little comfort that you can only get from an older brother or sister. I cant explain the feeling. Maybe its because I feel like such a kid right now.

After that I felt much better.

Being home alone felt good too.

A little bit of silence.

No one talking in my ear. No background noise. Just silence.

Then I put in my Amelie DVD.

Now thats a great movie! I loved it. It was so nice, and I loved Amelie herself. She was so smart, cute and pure in the heart. Its has Dr.P's seal of approval.

So this week I'm going to try to straighten myself out. Again.

It cant be too bad. At least my life is better than Martha Stewart's.

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